As most of us already know, the Governor of Nevada held a press conference wherein he stated that all non-essential businesses in Nevada should close for 30 days, effective March 18, 2020. This is in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Lakeside Business Suites takes our responsibility to help protect and care for our staff, the tenants and their guests very seriously. Things have been changing very quickly across the country amidst the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Effectively immediately, and in order to offer consistency and stability over the coming weeks, Lakeside Business Suites is implementing the following changes:

Modified Hours:

The hours that Lakeside Business Suites is open will be temporarily modified to be from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Packages and deliveries which are not made within those hours cannot be accepted by the Lakeside Business Suites staff.

Social Distancing/Gathering:

There cannot be any gathering in and around the Suites which does not meet the social distancing protocols that have been recommended by state and federal authorities.

These protocols should be adhered to throughout the Suites including but not limited to, the lobby, the upstairs break room/kitchen, the sinks and coffee machine areas, the bathrooms, the copy machine areas, etc. This applies to all tenants, the tenants’ guests and customers, walk-ins, and anyone who is utilizing the building.

Telephone and Reception Services:

During our modified business hours, staff will be present at the front desk in the lobby. Telephone calls will continue to be answered during the modified business hours. The support staff at the Suites will be taking necessary precautions to ensure that proper social distancing is being followed within the front lobby area. We ask that you please advise your guests that the staff will engage in social distancing within the building and that they should expect to do the same while inside the building.

Meetings Inside the Suites:

If you are expecting guests to visit you at the Suites, and in order to adhere to the social distancing recommendations, we will be asking you to greet your guests near the front door lobby, and that you personally direct them to your office. This will avoid having people wait in a common area in close proximity to one another, and it will avoid having guests walking the hallways on their own. Guests will be kindly asked to wait outside the main lobby door while they wait for you to greet them and direct them to your meeting location.

Since the lobby will not be occupied by guests, any guests that need to complete paperwork before their appointment with you should be asked to fill out the necessary paperwork before prior to their arrival. Alternatively, they may choose to complete paperwork outside the building (at the table outside, in their vehicle, etc.).

Other Precautions:

It is strongly encouraged that if any of your guests are not feeling well, or if they are showing any signs of illness, that they should not enter the Suites during the next 30 days.

This is a difficult time for all of us as we transition to conducting our business under the newly recommended protocols and the Governor’s directives. We are striving to make accommodations that protect you, and which also provide you stability and consistency in your day to day business. Each of us is affected by this situation in one way or another.  We must all do our part to help mitigate the potential for spreading COVID-19 as best we can.

Thank you for your understanding, your flexibility and your patience during these challenging times. As new information is received, and as the current situation evolves, we may be making additional changes needed.  If you have questions, or if you have any specific concerns, you are welcome to contact us here at Lakeside Business Suites at 702-869-8800.

In the meantime, stay well and stay healthy.

Lakeside Business Suites
2620 Regatta Drive, Suite 102
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
(702) 869-8800